Thursday, April 16, 2009

Advice and Insight from Jim Piccolo

Jim Piccolo brings with him a unique combination of business leadership, experience, vision and philosophy. Above all else, Jim Piccolo believes in building relationships and treating people fairly and with respect. This philosophy has served him well.

A few words of advice and insight from Jim Piccolo:
We all have heard the saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Every successful entrepreneur I have ever met has the same attitude about life. You see, it’s simple; we all believe success is nothing more than going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. Thomas Edison once said, “I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.” I have a plaque hanging in my office that defines me as a leader, businessman, philanthropist and person—it says, “NEVER, NEVER, EVER GIVE UP.” I would hate to think where I would be if I had allowed the numerous challenges that I faced in my life to get me down, hold me back or change my belief that I would succeed.

It seems we search our entire life for some “secret” or some “special formula,” or think that if we follow the teachings and beliefs of one particular mentor that we, like them, will be successful. I coach young
entrepreneurs to simply follow their passion. I urge them to create a dream so real that they can see it in their mind’s eye; so real that they can describe it in Technicolor, smell it, taste it and carve it in stone. Then, gather as much information as they can from all the great leaders they can find and apply it as if it’s their individual style and character. Finally, find an opportunity, a vehicle to take them to their dream. Then, go to work! Understand that success is a journey, not a destination.

What is life without passion? What is passion without purpose?
Nouveau Riche is best defined as a company that sparks passion with purpose in people. Everyone has experienced interaction with people who are truly passionate about what they do. They speak with excitement in their eyes, a natural glow about them, a perpetual smile. That exuberance comes from deep inside and is locked within one’s spirit. Are you living in your passion? If the answer is no, I have to ask, why not? What are you doing today to change that?

Nouveau Riche is dedicated to those who want to find their purpose so they can live in their passion. What do your dreams look like? Do they include a luxurious sports car, a vacation home by the beach, or perhaps involving feeding the poor or clothing the homeless? Whatever your dreams, they all have one common denominator: They all require money.”

Whether your dreams are to surround yourself and your family in abundance or to live a life of philanthropy, or perhaps both, you will need the means.
Wealth creation is simply the repetition of profitable economic actions repeated over and over again. The building and maintaining of wealth is defined as living a life of economic prudence while multiplying your economic resources using leverage. Nouveau Riche helps you create long-lasting wealth by offering an income-generating vehicle that works two ways – two outstanding methods to assist you in creating long term, sustainable wealth.

Now imagine a life where you’re generating the type of income that you’ve always dreamed of. What’s next? What would you do with your newfound wealth? Your life would no longer be about paying the bills or just getting by from month to month. As you secure your financial freedom, you begin to shift your focus away from your career and begin searching for a cause with purpose so you can live in your passion. Does that sound like a life worth pursuing?

I have made a commitment to create a life where I surround myself with purpose-driven entrepreneurs with passion. It has made a world of difference to me. I truly believe that “you can’t soar with eagles if you hang around with turkeys.”
Nouveau Riche is a community loaded with purpose-driven entrepreneurs with passion who are waiting to invite you into the community. I highly recommend that you take the time to see what Nouveau Riche can do for you and your family.

We created
Nouveau Riche to be the vehicle for entrepreneurs who want to attach their dream to our shooting star. Through the years we have helped so many good people realize their dreams—and then offered them the opportunity to give back to their fellow man in appreciation and celebration of their success. We are here to help you help yourself… come join us!"

Learn More About the Following:
Nouveau Riche Real Estate Investment College
The Nouveau Riche College Experience
Wealth Creation through Nouveau Riche
Education for Real Estate Investing
Real Estate Investor Mentoring
The Nouveau Riche Community Experience
Entrepreneurial Opportunity
Nouveau Riche and Jim Piccolo
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